Clwb Rotari Tywyn Rotary Club 40th Annual


Thank you to all of our Volunteers,

we couldn't have done it without you!

The Race

This unique event is a must for all multi - terrain runners. Many competitors return regularly to try and better their performance or just beat that train while others have run nearly every year since the races started. Most serious runners have heard about it either from their friends, TV, or the press!

Mae'r digwyddiad unigryw hwn yn hanfodol i bob rhedwr aml-dir. Mae llawer o gystadleuwyr yn dychwelyd yn rheolaidd i geisio gwella eu perfformiad neu dim ond curo'r trên hwnnw tra bod eraill wedi rhedeg bron bob blwyddyn ers i'r rasys ddechrau. Mae'r rhedwyr mwyaf difrifol wedi clywed amdano naill ai gan eu ffrindiau, teledu neu'r wasg!

Want to know what it is like to run the main race?

This video blog made by a participant of 2024s race, shows what the full Rotary challenge is like from start to finish and the terrain you would have to face along the route.

It highlights the different water point alone the track and the support up the course via marshals and spectators.