Volunteering for Race The Train

A Message to this year's volunteers

Ar ddydd Sadwrn, 17ed, o Awst 2024 cafwyd digwyddiad Ras y Tren llwyddianus eto, mae`r digwyddiad traws gwlad yma yn denu rhedwyr o bob oed ag roedd y niferoedd wedi cynyddu ers blwyddyn diwethaf. Ar wahan I llogi`r holl offer amrywiol a chost y tren rhoddir yr holl lafur yn rhad ac am ddim gan fyddin fychan o gwilfoddolwyr. Mae`r rhai sy`n gwirfoddoli I gynorthwyo yn ystod paratoi y ras ac ar y diwrnod yn galluogi`r ras, flwyddyn ar ol flwyddyn I fod yn llwyddiant ac yn galluogi unrhyw arian dros ben I gael ei ddosbarthu I achosion teilwng o fewn yr ardal. Dymunwn ni, Clwb Rotari Tywyn gydnabod cymorth yr holl wirfoddolwyr fu`n ymwneud ar ras eleni, i`r ysgol am cael defnyddio eu cyflesterau ac i`r holl tirfeddianwyr ar hyd y cwrs am ei cymorth a caniatad i`r ras cael ei rhedeg. Heb eich ymrwymiad a`ch ymroddiad ni fyddai ras ac mae eich ymdrechion yn gael ei gwerthfawrogi. Edrychaf ymlaen yn ddiffuant at eich gweld I gyd eto y flwyddyn nesaf. Diolch o galon, Aled Lewis, Llywydd Clwb Rotari Tywyn.

Saturday, August 17th, 2024 saw another successful Race the Train event , this multi-terrain event attracted runners of all ages and numbers where well up on last year. Apart from the hire of all the various equipment and cost of the trains all labour is given free of charge by a small army of people. Those that volunteer to assist during the race build up and on the day enable the race, year on year, to be a success and enables any surplus monies to be distributed to worthy causes in the area. We, the Rotary Club of Tywyn wish to acknowledge the help and assistance of all the volunteers involved with this year’s race, to the school for the use of their facilities and to all the landowners along the course for their assistance and permission in allowing the race to take place. Without your commitment and dedication there would be no race and your efforts are truly appreciated. I sincerely look forward to seeing you all again next year. Sincerest thanks Aled Lewis, Tywyn Rotary Club President.